Riley Comes First

Well, I’m a middle aged lady beautifully named Chance Katenga Mbale, a 6th born daughter in the family of Gordon Humphreys Mbale and Tecla Salome Ng’ambi. I am a born again Christian, I live in Lilongwe and I am an accountant. I am divorced and have a daughter aged 13. 

I enjoy praying, reading and watching movies & series and i wish to travel around the world one day.

I believe that every human being is created by God and for a particular purpose. God has given each one of us all the necessary tools to achieve the purpose that He has ordained for us. For each person, a path is outline and unless you follow that path, you cannot live a fulfilling life. Not many people are lucky enough to follow the exact path that God has ordained for them, and this results in frustration, struggles and pain. Even if you start well in your path, chances are, at some point you may still come across situations that literally swerve you off that path, and instead of advancing in life, you find yourself going in circles. Naturally, there’s always a force that will always push you to the original ordained path for you.

Like many folks out there, my path hasn’t been straight forward. And while there are so many out there who actually survive in paths that God did not ordain for them, my experience hasn’t been pretty, probably because I’ve always had this conscious on me, that this is not where i am supposed to be. Many times i have found myself unable to make any progress in life. Starting from career, business, family, you name it. I failed miserably in each one of them. For so song, i have lived with a conviction that the devil was after me and God is allowing it.. Sometimes i would tell my self that these are the consequences of the sins of my fathers’ house. (i am from chitipa, so you know the stories).

I thank God that by His grace i never stopped questioning why my life was the way it was, despite being a child of God. It is inconsistent with the word of God. I was very sure this is not what God wanted for me. The word of God must work through my life just like it works in other believers lives. This constant questioning of the status quo gave me strength to search through the word of God and see myself the way God sees me. I am much more. i believe now i am on the correct path and though it might not show yet, i know deep down that am heading on the right direction. i don’t this small of myself anymore and i believe in the finished work of Jesus. Speaking from the point of victory, i am more that a conqueror in Christ Jesus. There’s nothing that i am fighting now that wasn’t already defeated on the cross of calvary. Here i am, still pressing forward. When i look at my life, how it started when i was young, the challenges that i have met growing up, i believe God will one day make a statement out of all the experiences that i have faced.

I believe my blogs will help so many people who happen to find themselves in the opposite side of life and are confused as to why this don’t seem to add up. Do not stop questioning whatever doesn’t align with the word of God. God abides the faithful. You will soon experience His direction in your life.

I love mathematics, i like calculating every scenario in my life, and i also love writing and reading. I once attempted to write the IELTS without any prior preparation and i got a band score of 7.0. other people have to spend a lot of time preparing for these tests to get a score that good.

The most damaging phase of my life is when i was married. My mental health was shattered and am still trying to repair it now. The most constructive phase of my life is the after-marriage phase. Thats when i started living purposefully, asking the right questions, engaging in purposeful activities, cutting off unnecessary gabbage, and being interntional.

The most fulfilling role in my life is motherhood. I have watched myself grow from a position of “what am i gona do with this kid” to “thank you God for this kid”

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